General Guidelines & Instructions to Prepare Camera-Ready Paper
Congratulations for the acceptance of your article in IC3-2024. You must have received reviewer’s comments on your accepted papers in IC3-2024. Address these comments while preparing the camera-ready paper (CRC)
1. General Guidelines (CRC)
- The last date to submit the camera-ready paper (CRC) is 10th July 2024. See Section 2 for detailed instructions related to preparation of CRC (Section 2.2) and its submission (Section 2.3) at The ACM Publishing System (TAPS)
- Before preparation and submissions of the camera-ready paper/copy (CRC), authors need to complete the rights management form (eRights/copyright) at the ACM portal (detailed in Section 2.1). You may refer know more about the ACM’s copyright and permissions policy
- In order to include the accepted paper in the proceedings of IC3-2024, at least one author of the accepted paper should register (refer the registration process and last date of registration) and present the paper. The instructions to present the paper will be communicated to the authors shortly on the website of IC3-2024 (
2. Instructions to Prepare & Submit Camera-Ready Paper (CRC)
2.1. Rights Management Form (for copyright)
The email regarding rights management will be usually received by contact/lead author from ACM. ACM has an automated rights management form collection system for ACM published proceedings. The contact (lead) author(s) will be sent the ACM rights management form and complete instructions on how to complete their form. As in the rights management, emails are sent from an automated system; there is a chance that emails sent will go into SPAM folders. Please make sure to configure your email SPAM settings to allow emails from
Once contact (lead) author submits the eRights/Copyright form, the contact (lead) author will receive following information from TAPS (The ACM Publishing System):
- Bibliographic and copyright strip information which you need to necessarily include in the camera-ready paper
- Instructions and unique link to TAPS which will give you access to the author’s dashboard in TAPS where you submit/upload your manuscripts/source files.
NOTE: Please make sure that you whitelist so that the emails from TAPS also safely reach your inbox
2.2. Instructions for Camera-Ready Paper (CRC)
Camera-ready paper for all the accepted papers in the International Conference of Contemporary Computing, 2024 (IC3-2024) is due by 10th July 2024
- You can prepare the camera-ready paper (CRC) either in Microsoft Word OR in LaTeX B. Download ACM template(s) for MS-Word and LaTeX as follows
MS-Word Template:
- Download Submission Template (single-column format) to prepare your final draft of the paper (
NOTE: The final draft prepared using Submission Template must be validated using Primary Article Template (the add-in to attach to the submission document) as briefed subsequently.
- Download the ACM Primary Article Template(it is a zip folder) as given in following links
NOTE: It is the ZIP folder having Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled file. Open the zip file and save the template file to your local machine and then strictly follow the instructions listed in HELP FILE ( to attach the ACM Article Template to your Submission Template and prepare your paper (still in single-column format) for validation.
LaTeX Template:
Download the LaTeX (Version 1.90) at
Use the template style: \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}
NOTE: Having any difficulty in formatting the paper (CRC), authors can directly mail to for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries. As claimed by ACM, all email queries will be responded to within 24 hours. Also, following links for the documentation workflow PDF and videos might be helpful to you
- Some of the formatting and other instructions in camera-ready paper (CRC) are as follows:
- In title of the CRC, the first letter of the main words should be in capital letters. Make sure that the Title of the paper is kept same in CRC as mentioned in the paper during review process. Also make sure that the count and details of the authors should match between CRC and to those listed at EDAS (while submission of the paper during review process)
- The correct copyright permission notice needs to be necessarily inserted in the CRC at designated place (first page bottom left corner – see the sample files of the desired templates) before its submission. The copyright permission information should be received by the lead author through email from ACM rights management system after completion/submission of the rights management form at ACM portal (as detailed in Section 2.1)
- Besides Title/Author(s) details/Abstract, the first page of the CRC should include the Keywords (terms that author(s) would like to index the work) and CCS (ACM Computing Classification Scheme). To know more about CCS refer,
- Do not paginate the camera-ready paper ( not include page numbers). By default, page numbers are disabled in ACM template
2.3. Submissions Guidelines
As detailed in Section 2.1, you (contact/lead author) will receive instructions and unique link to TAPS after completion of eRights/Copyright form and will have to access the Author’s dashboard at TAPS.
Authors are required to upload their source (Microsoft word or LaTeX) files in a ZIP file directly to TAPS. The ZIP file must be setup according to the specific instructions given. TAPS will generate output in PDF and HTML formats, which the authors will need to review and approve. You can refer the submission/uploading guidelines provided by ACM at
You can also refer the TAPS best practices: The ACM Publishing System (TAPS) Best Practices
Before uploading to TAPS, verify that your paper is in correct format (Title/CCS/Copyright/Citation style/References/etc.). If you do not, your paper may be returned to you by TAPS for proper formatting
Prof Sandeep Kumar Singh, and
Prof. Manish Kumar Thakur (WhatsApp No. 9667189911)
Publication Co-chair(s), IC3-2024
Join the WhatsApp Group of IC3-2024_CRC Team